Peak Vista Alert (February 21, 5:10am) Due to current weather and road conditions, all Peak Vista Health Centers will open at 10am. Telehealth visits will continue if possible.
At the Developmental Disabilities Health Center (DDHC), we strive to provide exceptional health care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Common intellectual and developmental disabilities include Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Fetal-Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Fragile X and other cognitive disabilities.
This innovative health home model features multidisciplinary, integrated primary care, that is customized to the needs and experiences of people with IDD.
DDHC patients receive comprehensive health services customized to meet their individual needs in a primary care environment.
Health Center at Academy
3207 N Academy Blvd, 2nd Floor, Ste 3500
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
A Collaborative Care Model for Integrated Health Care Across Colorado Springs
Peak Vista’s Collaborative Clinic at Academy (CCA) provides a simplified approach to health care for those living with HIV or AIDS. We streamline the delivery of care and support treatment. The CCA is made possible through partnerships with Infectious Disease Specialists, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and Southern Community Health Network.
Become a Patient
Peak Vista’s Enrollment Services department can assist with new patient enrollment; Medicaid (Health First), CHP+ applications, and Ryan White Grant applications.
* For dental appointments, call 719.475.0783.
Health Center at Union
225 S. Union Blvd., Garden Level
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
The purpose of the Cardiovascular Risk and Diabetes Center is to assist our providers in managing patients with diabetes and/or elevated blood lipids. Pharmacists in the Cardiovascular Risk and Diabetes Center have received special training and work under a protocol developed to assist providers in giving patients optimal diabetes and/or lipid lowering therapy. Patients must be referred to the Cardiovascular Risk and Diabetes Center by their Peak Vista provider.
For further information, please call the Cardiovascular Risk and Diabetes Center, at (719) 344-6304.
Peak Vista Community Health Center is proud to provide health coverage for immigrants and refugees. As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), our ongoing mission is to remove barriers and increase access to quality medical care for the underinsured and uninsured. That is why it’s important that our services also extend to immigrant health care.
Refugee Care is provided at the Logan Center on the Myron Stratton campus, and handles both the intake process as well as medical care. With an estimated 150 refugees annually, Peak Vista works with Lutheran Family Services as its community partner in this effort.
Coordination between the two agencies includes:
Refugee Medical Screenings Near Pikes Peak
Peak Vista Community Health Center also serves as the point of contact for the state health department, the University of Denver Infectious Disease Department, and the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment with regard to the refugee population.
In addition, Peak Vista serves as a liaison with the state refugee program for completion of all immigration program requirements, ensuring all necessary paperwork is forwarded to the state.