COVID-19 vaccine information and services in Colorado Springs, family health specialist near me

We know there are times when parenting can feel like organized chaos. With the work that goes into running a household, keeping your family up to date on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters might not be at the top of your “to-do” list. However, when it comes to protecting your family from getting sick, or even dying from COVID-19 and other infections, vaccines are your first line of defense. Vaccines and boosters also reduce the chance of infecting the most vulnerable members of your family. Not sure when your kids should get their full series vaccine or booster? Worried whether COVID-19 vaccines are safe for your kids? A provider can answer your questions and get your family up to date on their COVID-19 vaccines and boosters!

Vaccine Safety

The safety of COVID-19 vaccines is a top priority. Vaccines go through a strict testing process and must be proven to be safe and effective before they are authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and made available to the public. None of the authorized vaccines contain the live virus, and they will not get you sick with COVID-19. You may feel some mild and temporary side effects, which is expected, and a sign your body is building protection against the COVID-19 virus.

How COVID-19 Vaccines Work

Different types of COVID-19 vaccines work differently. However, all COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without us being infected. None of the COVID-19 vaccines can give you COVID-19, nor do they affect or change your DNA.

Importance of COVID Vaccines for Children

Vaccines are the first line of defense you can offer your children in the fight against COVID-19 and are proven to be effective at preventing serious illness. While fewer children get severely ill, they can still get sick and spread the virus to the more vulnerable members of your family. This includes the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. Keeping your children up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines will protect your family and community.

Where and When to Get Your Children Vaccinated

Peak Vista is offering vaccines, booster shots, and third doses by appointment, free of charge. IDs and insurance are not required, and you do not have to be a Peak Vista patient. A provider can discuss age guidelines and let you know when your child is due for the first full series or booster. The exact number and timing of doses depends on your child’s age, health, and whether they have already received a COVID-19 vaccination. Do your part, protect yourself, and protect others. Get vaccinated!


Joel Tanaka, MD is Peak Vista’s Senior Vice President of Health Equity and Community Education and has been with the organization since 2019. He is a twenty-six-year Army Veteran. Dr. Tanaka completed his undergraduate studies at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York and graduated from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS). Dr. Tanaka is passionate about serving people who have access barriers. During his free time, Dr. Tanaka enjoys spending time with his family and cheering for the Denver Broncos.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines at Peak Vista and make an appointment.