Healthy habits for wellness, preventive care, and lifestyle tips in Colorado Springs

Summer vacation is nearly over, and back-to-school season is upon us. As we await the start of school, it is a great time to prepare your kids mentally, physically, and emotionally for the upcoming school year. Helping kids develop healthy bodies and minds is more important than ever and we are here to assist you with ways you can support your child’s overall well-being.

Physical Activity

Staying active can be challenging, but physical activity encourages healthy thinking, builds muscle, strengthens bones, and is a great way to handle stress. The goal for most children is to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Getting outside when possible and trying new activities will help you achieve this goal. Something as simple as going to a park and running around or going on an afternoon bike ride will help you child stay active throughout the summer. When it rains and you are stuck inside, try dancing or yoga with your child.


It’s important to help your child make healthy choices about how they eat. As they grow into adults, it will go a long way in preventing certain diseases, such diabetes and heart disease. Include fruits and vegetables with each meal, choose water over soft drinks, limit access to sugary foods, and practice healthy food choices as a family. If your child sees you doing it, chances are, they will do it too.

Emotional Well-Being

Whether your child is spending time alone or with others, there are steps you can take to help them develop their emotional well-being. Getting plenty of sleep, practicing positive thinking, and reducing screen time —especially time spent on social media— are great places to start. Putting your child on a path to emotional well-being will help ensure a successful school year.

Back-to-School Physicals

Yearly physicals are an opportunity for your provider to check in on your child’s growth and development. The best place for your child’s physical is with their pediatrician or primary care provider. These providers will already know about your child’s medical history, saving you the hassle of toting around medical records. If you do not have a primary care provider, Peak Vista offers back-to-school physicals at many of its locations. COVID-19 vaccinations are also available at no charge to help ensure your children are protected.