Patient-centered care, healthcare priorities in Colorado Springs

National Health Center Week (NHCW), August 4 – 10, is an annual event that “celebrate[s] and increase[s] awareness of America’s 1,400 Community Health Centers (CHCs). National Health Center Week is an opportunity to highlight the commitment and passion of Community Health Center staff, board members, and supporters who make it possible to provide quality, comprehensive health care services to more than 31.5 million patients across nearly 15,000 communities annually.” (NACHC)

FOCUS DAY | Patient Appreciation Day
Community health centers (CHCs) serve more than 31.5 million patients. CHCs represent the largest primary care providers in country and serve 1 in 11 people, of whom:

  • 19% are uninsured

  • 62% are publicly insured

  • 90% are people with low incomes

  • 63% are members of racial and/or ethnic minority groups

  • 32% are served by health centers in rural communities Last year, Peak Vista provided care to more than 74,000 individuals, seeing, on average, 1,062 patients per day.

Learn More About this Focus Day(opens in a new tab)(opens in a new tab)

HOW WE PARTICIPATE | Gifts for Our Patients & Coloring Pages
While we appreciate our patients every day for choosing us as their health care home, we’re going above and beyond to show our appreciation today. We’ve given our health centers and Enrollment Services locations a variety of Peak Vista swag items to gift to the lucky patients who come in today. Each location received stress balls, hot/cold packs, rubber duckies, and tissue packets.

We’ve also asked our younger patients to share their artistic talent with us through our NHCW coloring page. Check out their scribbles on our NHCW webpage.

It takes a village to provide care to more than 74,000 patients per year. This NHCW, we’re shining the spotlight on members of our team who help keep Peak Vista running and providing exceptional care to our community.


A doctor sticks a bandage on your arm following a flu shot. A dental hygienist flosses your teeth before the dentist comes in to see you. A care manager gives you a brochure on other Peak Vista services you can access.

Behind the scenes at Peak Vista is a team that is dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the supplies they need to provide exceptional care to our patients. The Materials Management department handles the purchasing of all items at Peak Vista – including bandages, floss, brochures, and more – as well as the delivery of items to each health center and individual. A steadfast and reliable resource, Robert has been a part of the department for more than a decade.

Robert’s role as a Materials Management Buyer involves coordinating and distributing supplies, catering, purchasing, and processing. His dedication has made a significant contribution to ensuring impeccable service is provided in a timely and financially responsible manner.

Affectionately referred to as Peak Vista’s resident historian, Robert is passionate about Peak Vista’s role in our community. In his spare time, he has compiled a detailed account of Peak Vista’s history, and he continues to keep it updated with any new developments.

Working at a nonprofit health center has heightened Robert's awareness of the health and well-being of the community members. He takes immense pride and gratitude in knowing that exceptional services are being delivered. Robert sees serving the community as a privilege and is enthusiastic about continuing his service at Peak Vista.

Peak Vista’s Administrative Services provides support for 24 Peak Vista locations in Colorado Springs and beyond. Robert’s exceptional work ethic and demonstration of Peak Vista values led to him being selected by his supervisor to be featured.