Managing warfarin therapy in Colorado Springs, primary care and pharmacy services near me

Helping Patients with Administering Warfarin
Helping Patients with Administering Warfarin Clinical Pharmacists at Peak Vista’s Warfarin Center provide specialized care for patients taking the anticoagulant drug, warfarin. Warfarin is prescribed to prevent blood clots, particularly in patients who have suffered from a stroke or blood clots, or those who have irregular heartbeats, artificial heart valves, or blood clotting disorders. While effective in preventing blood clots, warfarin can also pose a risk of severe bleeding, which necessitates routine monitoring and checkups for patients.

Patients seeking care at the Warfarin Center must have a referral from their Peak Vista provider. The center offers comprehensive services and support for patients, including appointment scheduling, guidance on taking medication, and education on living with warfarin. Monitoring and dosing of the medication are crucial aspects of the center's care, and patients can seek guidance regarding questions or concerns related to their treatment.

How to Make an Appointment
The Warfarin Center will contact patients to schedule an appointment once a referral is received from their Peak Vista medical provider. Unfortunately, the center cannot accept referrals from a hospital or medical providers outside of Peak Vista.

What an Appointment Looks Like
At each appointment, a small drop of blood from your finger is used to measure the INR. This number shows if you are protected from developing a blood clot and helps guide your warfarin dosing plan. During the appointment, the clinical pharmacists provide ongoing education and assess signs and symptoms of clotting vs. bleeding, screen for changes in medication and diet, and discuss other factors that may affect your INR, such as upcoming surgery. Patients receive a printed plan showing daily dosing, and the patient’s next appointment is scheduled. Warfarin doses are determined and adjusted for each patient at each visit to optimize therapy.

Living with Warfarin
Patients on warfarin therapy must pay careful attention to diet, medications, health status, and lifestyle factors which will affect INR readings and therefore affect how protected they are against clots. Warfarin increases the risk of bleeding, so patients must also be attentive to signs of internal and external bleeding. Warfarin doses can change frequently based on the many factors that change its effectiveness which is why routine monitoring is so important.

Monitoring warfarin therapy requires regular, in-person appointments. Most patients will need monthly appointments, but some patients may need to be seen weekly. Keeping your Warfarin Center appointments is especially important.

Insurance Options
There is no copay for patients in the Warfarin Center.

Location and Contact Information
The Warfarin Center is conveniently located at Peak Vista’s Health Center at Union, 225 S. Union Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO, 80910. For further information, individuals can visit the Peak Vista website, speak with their Peak Vista providers, or contact the center directly at (719) 344-6682.